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蝦皮購物 | 花得更少買得更好
蝦皮購物 | 花得更少買得更好
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Apr 18, 2024
Express Odyssey
Express Odyssey
Explore the exciting world of train empire 🚂 Express Odyssey: Railway Game 🚂 is a real game where you have a journey where you&#39;ll master the art of resource management, strategy, and creativity. In this captivating idle game, you&#39;re in charge of constructing a dynamic train empire! Get ready for a unique gameplay experience centered around the intriguing concept in the Railway Games!<br><br>World maps in our idle game are really awesome now you can have amazing missions in the open world. The train simulator gives you the chance to collect a wide range of resources along your journey, each playing a crucial role in growing and upgrading your train empire.<br><br>Train simulator creates an atmosphere of amazing expansion of your empire by laying intricate railway tracks across diverse landscapes, connecting distant lands, and unlocking new possibilities.<br><br>🚂 Express Odyssey: Idle Railway Game 🚂 is absolutely FREE to install and play!<br><br>🔥 Dynamic Train Building<br>Customize and build your train from a variety of parts and designs.<br><br>💵 Resource Management<br>Strategically gather and utilize resources to expand your train empire<br><br>🛠️ Expansive Railways<br>Design and lay out tracks across varied landscapes, creating a vast network<br><br>⚡ Engaging Graphics<br>Enjoy a visually rich game with detailed trains and environments.<br><br>Try not to be afraid of adventures and go to the world of fascinating weather stories in the Idle Train Game!<br><br>Not sure what to play? Choose 🚂 Express Odyssey: Idle Railway Simulator 🚂 and enjoy expansion of your empire by laying intricate railway tracks across diverse landscapes, connecting distant lands, and unlocking new possibilities!
Apr 1, 2024
Twilio Authy Authenticator
Twilio Authy Authenticator
Authy brings the future of strong authentication to the convenience of your Android device.<br><br>The Authy app generates secure 2 step verification tokens on your device. It helps you protect your account from hackers and hijackers by adding an additional layer of security.<br><br><br>Why Authy is the best multi factor authentication app:<br><br> - <b>Secure Cloud Backups:</b><br> Did you lose your device and got locked out of all of your accounts? Authy provides secure cloud encrypted backups so you will never lose access to your tokens again. We use the same algorithm banks and the NSA use to protect their information.<br><br> - <b>Multi Device Synchronization</b>:<br> Are your re-scanning all your QR codes just to add them to your tablet and smartphone? With Authy you can simply add devices to your account and all of your 2fa tokens will automatically synchronize. <br><br>- <b>Offline</b>:<br> Still waiting for an SMS to arrive? Do you travel constantly and lose access to your accounts? Authy generates secure tokens offline from the safety of your Android device, this way you can authenticate securely even when in airplane mode.<br><br>- <b>All of your accounts</b>:<br> We support most multi-factor authentication accounts including Facebook, Dropbox, Amazon, Gmail, and thousands of other providers. We also support 8 digit tokens.<br><br>- <b>Protect your bitcoins</b>:<br> Authy is the preferred two factor authentication solution to protect your bitcoin wallet. We are the default 2fa provider for trusted companies like Coinbase, CEX.IO, BitGo and many others.<br><br>- <b>What is two factor authentication?</b><br> &quot;Two-factor authentication is one of the best things you can do to make sure your accounts don&#39;t get hacked&quot; - LifeHacker<br><br><br><b>Official Website</b><br>-<br><br>Your use of the Authy App is subject to these Authy App Terms ( and Twilio’s Privacy Notice (
Feb 16, 2024
Cool Goal! — Soccer game
Cool Goal! — Soccer game
Soccer for everyone! Show off your best kicks in Cool Goal, the action-packed football game that always hits the back of the net! Your task? Shoot and score! Dodge countless enemy players, curve your ball like a football superstar, and nail a perfect goal! Explore near-endless free football games in Cool Goal now!<br><br>To play, you need to define the angle of your soccer strike and ensure that you time it perfectly so that you don&#39;t hit any obstacles or opposing players. Sound simple? Think again! Enemy players are going to pull all kinds of crazy tricks! You&#39;re going to need lightning-fast reactions, logic skills, and serious football knowhow to come out on top of each penalty shootout. <br><br>You&#39;ll be able to hit the ball with ease, as you master the perfect soccer kick and turn the keeper&#39;s goal games around. You&#39;ll find it so simple you&#39;ll never want to play football any other way. Before you know it, you&#39;ll be able to score goals under any amount of pressure and even shoot a ball of fire so hard that nothing will be able to stop it! You&#39;re the striker, and nobody will get in your way as you kick balls and take names in awesome Cool Goal games.<br><br>As you progress through each level, you&#39;ll collect gold coins and keys which you&#39;ll use to unlock new skins and football heroes. With so much to explore compared to other free soccer games, you won&#39;t be running out of fresh soccer content any time soon. <br><br>Get new skins for your soccer ball, and dress like the stars so that when you land the ultimate soccer strike, you land it in style. Once you&#39;ve unlocked three keys, you can choose to use them to open reward caches for even more soccer goodies. The more you put into Cool Goal, the more you&#39;ll get out of this jam-packed ball game that will send you across the world as you kick balls from beaches to snowcapped peaks!<br><br>If you love soccer and you&#39;ve been on a football strike, this will bring you back to the beautiful game because this is more than &#39;just&#39; football, this is more than your average soccer game, this is Cool Goal! Get ready to face a variety of football shootout challenges across thousands of levels that present different styles of penalty shots, ball games, and the occasional free kick. <br><br>So, have you got what it takes to land crazy soccer kicks and shoot balls across the world? Put on your soccer kicks because there&#39;s only one way to find out, it&#39;s Cool Goal time! Use your brain as well as your boot as you dodge obstacles to land the penalty kick of a lifetime. <br><br>Say goodbye to boring free soccer games and say hello to a whole world of entirely free ball games. Experience the joy of sport like never before, because this penalty shootout isn&#39;t like any other football game. Cool Goal is the soccer shootout of your dreams!
Feb 8, 2024
HorseWorld – My Riding Horse
HorseWorld – My Riding Horse
With &quot;Horse World - My Riding Horse&quot; you&#39;re immersed in the world of the equestrian center. Ride your horse anytime you want! You&#39;ll learn valuable things about caring for a horse, take lessons in the riding ring and master diverse tasks. You&#39;ll become a horse aficionado in our riding game and have tons of fun playing with your favorite animal.<br><br><br><b>Features</b><br>★ Learn lots worth knowing about caring for a horse<br>★ Your own horse - pet and ride<br>★ Show your abilities and ride to beat the time<br>★ Collect horseshoes and use them to buy inventory for the tack room<br>★ Jump courses, ride into the countryside and even more courses<br><br><br><b>Expand your horse knowledge</b><br>In the stall you&#39;ll learn a lot about taking care of your horse. You can currycomb, brush and pet your horse. The hooves must be cleaned and the stall needs fresh straw. It&#39;s all possible by touching the touchscreen.<br><br><br><b>Lessons in the riding ring</b><br>After you have everything done with your horse, you&#39;ll get a riding lesson. In the course you&#39;ll show your skill at riding, try to follow the riding line as closely as possible and thereby try to achieve the best time. <br><br><br><b>Tack room</b><br>In the game you&#39;ll receive horseshoes for your accomplishments. You need the horseshoes to buy inventory such as bridles, saddles or horse rugs.<br><br><br><b>Even more playing fun on the jump course and when riding into the countryside</b><br>Want even more playing fun? Then you can unlock additional areas as in-app purchases. In the jump course you jump over the obstacles. Your Android device will turn into a rein in which you can lead your horse through the motions with your device. Even a ride through nature is possible. Ride through the country or by the sea and always without directional limitations.<br><br><br><br><br>
Apr 22, 2024
Call Blocker - Stop spam calls
Call Blocker - Stop spam calls
Block, identify and report suspicious phone numbers. brings you the most complete app to avoid phone scams, unwanted calls and extra charges in your bill. With more than 10,000,000 telephone numbers registered and identified in our website and a community with millions of users in U.K. and around the world, has the pleasure to bring you its official app.<br><br><b>BLOCK PHONE NUMBERS</b><br><br>- Do you want to know who is calling you? Are you annoyed by unwanted calls? With our app you will be able to block any phone number you want.<br><br><br><b>REPORT SUSPICIOUS PHONE NUMBERS</b><br><br>Search any phone number and check if it has been previously reported in Share your experience and warn our community.<br><br><b>IDENTIFY COMMERCIAL CALLS</b><br><br>Are you receiving calls and have no idea who is calling you? Do they refuse to identify themselves? Check the phone number with our application and find out who calls you. Verify the phone owner and block their calls.<br><br><b>AVOID THE MOST COMMON SCAMS</b><br><br>- Get the latest and most updated information on telephone scams in the U.K. Block suspicious phone numbers before they call you.<br><br><b>GLOBAL BLOCKING</b><br><br>- Block all international calls.<br>- Block all incoming calls from phone numbers that are not in your contact list.<br>- Block all calls with No Caller ID/Unknown/Hidden number.<br><br><b>OUR COMMUNITY</b><br><br> is the largest community on phone search and the biggest phone spam directory in the U.K. With more than 10,000,000 identified phone numbers in more than 30 countries.<br><br>Call Blocker is’s official phone block app and you will be able to access all of our services from your phone.<br><br>Optional subscription to our service<br><br>- Unlimited credits. Get information for all numbers you want.<br>- Automatic detection and block of up to 2000 dangerous phone numbers in your country.<br>- Automatically block No Caller ID/unknown/Hidden calls.<br>- Access without limitations all our records for any phone number.<br>- No ads.<br>- Auto-renewing subscription ($4.99 monthly / $9.99 3 months - price varies by country)<br><br>Call Blocker respects your right to privacy. Your contacts will never be public.<br>Privacy policy:<br>Terms of use:
Feb 25, 2024
Speed Racing Ultimate 4
Speed Racing Ultimate 4
&quot;Speed ​​Racing Ultimate 4&quot;: THE CONSECRATION!<br><br>Drive prestigious Rally Car under the Sun, Rain and even Snow and Storm!<br>Take the wheel and exceed your limits!<br><br>6 different Game Modes:<br><br>• &quot;CAREER&quot;: Challenge the Greatest Drivers and try to win the World Championship!<br>• &quot;DISCOVER&quot;: Discover different tracks and train yourself.<br>• &quot;DUEL&quot;: Compete with the Best Driver!<br>• &quot;TIME ATTACK&quot;: Improve your chrono! The &quot;Ghost&quot; of your Best Time will help you!<br>• &quot;FIGHT&quot;: It must remain ONE!<br>• &quot;GYMKHANA&quot; Learn to mastered your car on unusual tracks! Impressive acrobatics await you: Looping, Steering, Drift and more!<br><br>Over than 60 Challenges on over than 20 different Tracks with different weather: Snow, Rain, Sun, Thunder...!<br><br>Save money to offer you the most Beautiful and most Powerful Cars never made.<br><br>More incredible Speed ​​and Steering sensations await you!<br><br>But don&#39;t forget this: &quot;Without Mastering, Power is Nothing!&quot;<br><br>A &quot;Tuto&quot; mode is available on the Main Menu.<br>Follow the instructions and you&#39;ll be ready to face your Destiny!<br><br>Go and look in the &quot;Options&quot; of the Main Menu to:<br><br>• Set the Accelerometer&#39;s Sensitivity.<br>• Select the Difficulty Level: &quot;Beginner&quot;, &quot;Expert&quot; or &quot;Pilot&quot;.<br>• Select the Camera: &quot;Outside&quot; or &quot;Inside&quot;.<br>• Enable or Disable Music.<br>• Set the Graphic Quality.<br>• Enable or Disable Special Effects.<br><br>For each game mode, the time of all races is recorded.<br>You can share your Best Times in the &quot;CAREER&quot; mode on the Internet and see your rank in the International Ranking Table.<br><br>Are you ready?<br><br>••• Game Features •••<br><br>• Drive Prestigious Racing Cars!<br>• Many different weather!<br>• 6 Game Modes!<br>• More than 60 Challenges!<br>• Full 3D Real Time Rendering!<br>• High Graphic Quality!
Dec 19, 2023
Top New GamesReturnState
ReturnState is a Sci-Fi 2D sprite platformer. You play as Neon, a hero tasked with saving a planet that was invaded by the evil General Tork and his army of alien monsters. Run, jump, and whip your way to victory. Only you can return things to what they once were.<br><br>RECENTLY ADDED<br>4 retro styles have been added: Atari 2600, ColecoVision, Virtual Boy, and Game Boy.<br><br>CONTACT ME<br>If you have any problems playing this game feel free to send me an email.<br><br>PLAY AT YOUR OWN PACE<br>You can run non-stop, hacking and slashing through enemies, or take your time exploring and collecting gems.<br><br>FOR BOTH PHONES AND TABLETS<br>The game scales well to various screen sizes and shapes.<br><br>RESPONSIVE TOUCH SCREEN CONTROLS<br>Designed as if it were on an 8-bit or 16-bit console, but optimized to play great on a touch screen. There are currently 3 on screen control sizes to choose from; the original size, plus 2 larger ones. Screenshots showing all 3 sizes are in the gallery on this store page.<br><br>ENGLISH ONLY RIGHT NOW<br>The game is currently only available in English.<br><br>UPCOMING FEATURES<br>* Full Controller Support<br>* Game Cheats<br>* More Secrets<br><br>IMPORTANT: Please note that this game requires a screen resolution of at least 960x540 to display GUI elements correctly. It may be playable at lower resolutions but it is not officially supported.<br><br>-----------------<br>Privacy Policy:<br>Terms of Use:<br><br>ReturnState is a trade mark of Jason Cecrle. All rights reserved.
Type Spin: alphabet run game
Type Spin: alphabet run game
Spin the alphabet!<br><br>The shape of the rotating object changes according to the characters you enter.<br><br>Aim for the goal by making good use of the action of physics and the shape of letters!<br><br>---<br>Open Source Components:
Bull Robot Car Game:Robot Game
Bull Robot Car Game:Robot Game
New Robot Game with amazing missions of bull robot car game and mecha robot transformation game! Hey Bull Chappie Robot Car Games 🚘 Fans we Credley Creation are here to present the exciting bull 🐮 robot transformation car wala game. In this dino robot transform game showdown, you will have the experience of transforming into multi robots and enjoy the real taste of robot transformation in mech arena robot transform car games.<br><br>In mech robot transform car games, transform yourself into different kar wala robots like tiger chappie robots, bull robot 🐮, truck robot game, flying car robot, dragon animal wala robot, dino robot, snake robot, police moto bike game, aag wala robot, monster truck robot and car robot wala game. Enjoy the feel of mech robot car games and transform yourself into a bull robot 🐮 in this multi robot car game showdown. enjoy deadly bull robot powers while playing mecha robot transformation bike games. Transform into dragon robot or snake robot, your challenge will be to eliminate the enemy mech warrior robots in the flying dragon game of bike chappie robot action car games showndown.<br><br>Mech Robot Car Game Warriors! Lots of funky hathi walay gameplays are present in this animal robot game for the fans of bull robot car game. kill mech robot enemies of story mode to complete your robot game objective and don’t let them ruining the city because people are afraid of this massive destruction. In other modes you can enjoy demon robot wala game and mech robot wars in truck attack mode along with amazing car race wala game while fighting in derby battle of animal wala robot games &amp; flying dragon robot game. Dive into mech robot war to have an ultimate robot transforming game battle as a pro player of car robot games and gadi wala game 🚘. Eliminate transforming robots and fight with hero bull robot 🐮 by using special super robot powers of robot transformation game &amp; robot wala game. Enjoy the ride of flying car robot game &amp; prove yourself as a pro warrior at robot games offline.<br><br>Robot Car Transforming War Games is the hybrid combination of all new bull robot shooting games &amp; dino robot games having transforming robot car wali games 🚘 features along with futuristic battle of mech robots. Tiger robot shooting car games comes with multiple transformations &amp; deadly powers in mecha robot car games. Multi robot shooting games are mixtures of bull wali games, mech robot car games, truck car robot games, demon wala robot games, snake robot games with a unique twist of gadi wala game and bull robot 🐮 offline game. If you want to play car driving games and fighting games with deadly powers and funky customizations, then this robot showdown transformation war game is perfect for you.<br><br>Robot Wala Game – Bull Robot Game Features:<br><br>🚘 Realistic chappie robot with futuristic environment in mech robot transforming game.<br>🚘 Deadly Monsters, mecha bots and lethal Gorillas of chappie robot game with realistic sounds &amp; mech robot game features.<br>🚘 Specially designed modes for engagement for bull robot game 🐮 followers.<br>🚘 Multi robot transformations and multiple robot skins unseen in other robot game.<br>🚘 Countless robotic superpowers of chappie robot to use on enemies featuring mech robot game.<br><br>No wifi? No problem! You can enjoy robot game offline as well!<br>Enjoy robot wala game in robot kar gadi wala game &amp; do mecha robot wars in robot wali game.
Tourist Coach Bus Highway Game
Tourist Coach Bus Highway Game
Are you tired of playing the same Old Low Quality Bus Simulation Games? Try this realistic HD Game. <br><br>Drive your tour coach bus on smooth highway roads and enjoy the bus simulator experience. <br><br>Now we have added new levels of Truck Parking where you can enjoy offroad truck driving.<br><br>3D Parking and Simulation Games brings you the all new City Coach Bus Driving Simulator, the most realistic Offroad Bus Games. Gameplay includes many beautiful coach buses. Eye-catching hilly mountainous environment will make you enjoy realistic bus simulator experience. Highway Tour Bus Transport simulator is a bus games full of thrill and adventure. You have pick the passengers and drop them at destinations by driving the bus coach on highways through the dangerous terrain and uphills to the city and from city to terminal. In Off road city coach you can witness the beauty of nature in uphills and mountain tops. Beautiful hill station surrounding by hills and forest and highways. <br><br>Drive a coach along the Off-Road terrain and transport passengers and enjoy realistic hill climb. This bus simulator will engage you in the mountains, up hills, and beautiful nature scenes. Play the extreme hill coach bus driver hd game and enjoy the scenic views. This new tourist coach requires driving and parking skills. If you haven’t drove a coach before, no worries! You can become top Driver of heavy duty vehicles and furious coach driver by playing this transport passengers. For all off road lovers this extreme offroad highway driving and parking bus game . This is an ultimate challenging bus driving contest to test your driving skills on highway and roads. Earn your reputation in the town by completing the levels through dangerous terrains and narrow roads. Start from a trainee to an advanced level driver.<br><br>This offers you a chance to become a real Bus simulator driver! Extremely HD graphics will allow you to have a pro bus driving and simulation experience. If you haven’t played any good bus game so far then your wait is over you can now play HD bus simulator game with easy controls. The controls in this bus simulation game is so user friendly that you won’t stop yourself playing this game for hours. This game contains a multiple variety of buses with physics controls for you to enjoy the feel of pleasant bus drive.<br><br>The Modern bus simulator game!!!<br><br><br>Features:<br>- Beautiful HD Game with HD Environment and Graphics<br>- Smooth clean offroads<br>- Steering Wheel control added so you can enjoy more<br><br>How to Play:<br>- Buckle up! you are on dangerous roads<br>- Reach destination in time<br>- Complete level in time to earn reputation
Candy Witch - Match 3 Puzzle
Candy Witch - Match 3 Puzzle
🎉Journey with lovely witch Arya to find the best candies in the world. Swap and match 3 or more of identical colorful candies to blast. 🍭🍭Create as many sweet boosters as you can to clean up the plate. 💥Show off your skills in sweet Candy Witch.🎉<br><br>Play with more than 3 million players. 🍬🍬Candy Witch is a match 3 puzzle game that you can&#39;t stop, you will love it too, you can play without wifi, whenever and wherever.<br><br>🌈Features:<br>⭐ NO LIFE LIMIT<br>⭐ THOUSAND LEVELS in Sweet Candy Witch this addictive match 3 puzzle game  <br>⭐ New Match 3 Gameplay: swap and match to make candy crash, help Arya make delicious candy in the magical world<br>⭐ Challenges and addicted levels<br>⭐ Casual game, Time killer and addictive!<br>⭐ Vivid candy graphics and in-game experience<br>⭐ Super fun puzzle levels and fresh gameplay, great for brain training<br> Addictive match 3 puzzle game<br>⭐ FREE GAME for everyone<br>⭐ Spin the Daily Booster Wheel for a tasty prize <br><br>🎊Start and spread the fun in sweet Candy Witch for FREE now!🎊<br><br>🌈How to play:<br>⭐ Swap and match more than 3 identical candies to smash<br>⭐ Make special candy combos to help you burst various barriers<br>⭐ Collect the golden key to help with the tough situation<br>⭐ Be careful about the obstacles: Chocolate, Ice cube, Cream, Cake etc.<br>⭐ Gather enough candies to win before you run out of moves<br>⭐ Save the kitten by eliminating the candy<br>⭐ Looking for stone statues buried in ice cubes<br><br>Visit us:<br>
Piggy Boom
Piggy Boom
Play this friendly game with your family, Facebook friends and millions of other players around the world. Attack, spin, and steal your way from island to island, to travel through tons of unique villages to earn coin.<br><br>Do you have the courage to defeat the attacker, to master island challenges, or to steal coins from the greatest cash kings? Become a master of coin who holds trillions of coins and rule the realm! Devise your own master plan to get bonus spins and steal other player Jackpots. <br><br>Build your Island villages into Viking Settlements, Indian Palaces, Mystic Temples and many more unique world-inspired destinations with your closest family and friends. Raid coins from anyone and everyone, even friends! Love adventure games like travel ticket, dart or monster but want to play online with family and friends, try Piggy Boom today! <br><br><br>【Spin the wheel to earn coins and free Spins】<br>Spin the magical wheel to earn your fortune, attack, raid, or steal coins. Shield your islands and coins from other player raids. Build your island with coins and unlock new destination islands. Become the Island Piggy with the best island and the master of collecting coins!<br>Spin the wheel can also gain free Spins by finishing interesting challenges!<br><br>【Collect all valuable cards】<br>Collect cards and exchange with your family and Facebook friends to complete the patron saint sets, you can win tons of Spins for free! Finish building your islands and unlock the next set of cards.<br><br>【Play with your friends】<br>Join our Facebook Community to meet new friends, join a clan, learn new game trivia, and earn millions of coins by the fruit merchant and magic tree. Trade your cards in the community and play together to boost your progress! <br><br>NOTICE: Items are available for purchase in the game!<br><br>In process of the game, we may need permissions listed as below:<br> 1. WRITE/READ EXTERNAL STORAGE <br>We use this permission to help players send their screenshots to us, in cases when bugs have occurred. This helps us locate where the problem is and solve it.<br> 2. READ/RECEIVE/SEND SMS <br>We use this permission to verify the identities of users, retrieve accounts, guarantee the safety of accounts, and allow players to share the game to friends at the same time.<br> 3. RECORD_AUDIO <br>We use this permission to allow players to audio chat in the game.<br>------------------------------------------<br>Find us on Facebook:
Disney Emoji Blitz Game
Disney Emoji Blitz Game
Collect and play with hundreds of Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars emojis like never before in an exciting puzzle matching game! Blitz through fast-paced rounds of match 3 puzzles to earn prizes, complete missions, and discover new Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars emojis.<br><br><br><br><b>COLLECT DISNEY AND PIXAR CHARACTERS!</b><br>Explore tons of emoji characters and items from your favorite Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars shows and movies like The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Cinderella, Zootopia, The Muppets, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and more! Keep playing as new emojis pop up in the game over time! Have a blast matching and collecting all of your favorite characters as you complete fun puzzles! Which emojis will you collect throughout your Disney puzzle adventure? <br><br><br><br><b>BEAT CHALLENGING MATCH 3 PUZZLES!</b><br>Power up and blast the puzzle board! Pop your way through challenging puzzles as you match Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars emojis. With each puzzle, enjoy matching emojis as fast as you can before the time runs out! Use your collection of Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars emojis to blast through tricky match 3 puzzles and earn exciting rewards! Level up your favorite Disney characters and show off your match 3 puzzle skills! <br><br><br><br>Each emoji has unique traits, so be sure to collect and upgrade them all as you complete puzzles! Increase your emoji’s power level by collecting duplicates of that emoji! Use their powers, pop boosters, and try matching as many puzzle pieces as you can! Match and clear emojis from the puzzle board to fill the Blitz meter and enter Blitz mode! How many puzzles can you solve?<br><br><br><br><b>HAVE A BLAST WITH FRIENDS!</b><br>Stuck at home? Try matching your favorite Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars emojis to add a little extra joy to your day! Challenge your friends with your matching skills, climb the puzzle leaderboard, collect your favorite characters, and become the best player in town. Pop and blast your way to the top, show off your match 3 puzzle skills, and compare emoji collections with your friends!<br><br><br><br><b>ENJOY SPECIAL EVENTS, PUZZLES, AND CHALLENGES!</b><br>Watch new events and emojis pop up almost every day! Get ready to engage with brand new match 3 puzzles and blast through limited time special events. Make sure to keep your puzzle matching skills at the ready!<br> <br><br><br>Please note that Disney Emoji Blitz is free to download and play. However, you can purchase some in-game items with real money. If you want to limit this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device&#39;s settings.<br><br><br><br>Under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 13 years of age to play or download Disney Emoji Blitz. <br><br><br><br>Privacy Policy:<br>Terms of Service:
Star Vikings Forever
Star Vikings Forever
Build Your Strategy. Squash Space Snails. Be a Star Viking.<br> <br>In Star Vikings Forever you will build your team of spacefaring Vikings to take on the evil scourge of intergalactic snails in a fun and nearly endless stream of challenging puzzles.<br> <br>Best Indie at Google Play Best of 2017, Finalist at the Google Play Indie Games Festival, Winner for &quot;Best Game Design&quot; at the Brazilian Independent Games Festival, and “Most Offensive Game Ever” at the Space Snails Game Conference. Star Vikings Forever is a humorous Puzzle/RPG developed by the award-winning creators of Chroma Squad, Dungeonland, and Relic Hunters Zero.<br> <br>Features:<br>• Unique Puzzle/RPG Gameplay - Based on teamwork and chain reactions<br>• Procedurally-Generated Puzzles - For endless replayability<br>• 8+ Hours of Story Mode - Packed with colorful characters and humorous dialog<br>• New Game Plus Mode - Brings additional puzzles and gameplay<br>• Six Classes - Each with unique, upgradeable skills<br>• HATS!!! - Craft special hats and use special items to gain additional boosts<br>• Facebook Leaderboard Integration - Compete with your friends for the high score!
Top New AppsGM Music
GM Music
GM Music Player will guide you through all the audio files on your phone.<br>You will have access to all the audio files of your phone through one application and you will enjoy the pleasure of music!<br><br><b>Crop your songs, create your ringtone</b><br>You can use your songs as an editable ringtone, alarm tone, or notification tone in the desired range.<br><br><b>Equalizer Types</b><br>You can listen to your songs in Normal, Classical, Dance, Flat, Folk, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Rock and GM Booster equalizer modes and you can manually adjust your sound settings in user mode!<br><br><b>7 Types Interface</b><br>In the GM Music Player application; You can choose the design that suits your taste with 7 different theme features: Blue Dream, Dark World, Gray Clouds, Green Island, Red Line, Go Theme and Dark theme.<br><br><b>Fast access</b><br>Access all your songs in one screen!<br><br><b>Song</b><br>One-touch access to all songs on one screen.<br><br><b>Playlists</b><br>Personalize your music list by simply creating playlists of selected songs!<br><br><b>Album</b><br>All Albums are in one screen!<br><br><b>Artist</b><br>Just listen to the songs of the artists you choose.<br><br><b>Genre</b><br>GM Music Player lets you easily find the most appropriate songs by dividing your sound files into 16 different categories like Rock, Pop, Blues, Chill, Electronic, Hip-Hop, Soul, R &amp; B, Jazz, Reggae, Latin, Punk, It provides.<br><br><b>Translation Help</b><br>You can support us for translation at
Flashlight for Samsung Galaxy
Flashlight for Samsung Galaxy
Brightest flashlight in the Market. <br>Brightest and Safest Flashlight with SOS feature. You can send SOS signal in an emergency cases with click of a button. SOS signal also can be used to to allow others to find you easily. With extra features like the compass, you can find your way from anywhere. <br><br>Key Features: <br>- Privacy protected &amp; Safest flashlight.<br>- Flashlight App that turns on instantly.<br>- Flashlight with Compass and Battery Meter.<br>- Safest Flashlight App in the Market.<br>- Minimum permission<br>- Simple and easy to use<br>- Built-in SOS signal button. <br>- No GPS tracking!<br><br>The flashlight has also been recently tested to work well on the following Phone. Please note that the flashlight will not work with tablets. <br>- For Samsung Galaxy S22<br>- For Samsung Galaxy S21<br>- For Samsung Galaxy S20<br>- For Samsung Galaxy S10<br>- For Samsung Galaxy S9<br>- For Samsung Galaxy S9+<br>- For Samsung Galaxy S8<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Core<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Note10<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Note9<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Note8<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Note5<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Note4<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Express <br>- For Motorola Moto G<br>- For Motorola Moto X<br>- For Sony Xperia<br>- For LG G5<br>- For LG G4<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime<br>- For Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo Plus<br>- For Samsung Galaxy J7<br>- For Samsung Galaxy J5
WTMP — Who touched my phone?
WTMP — Who touched my phone?
WTMP — Who touched my phone?<br><br>Application will record those who will use your phone using the front camera in the background mode, invisibly for user. You will see who, when and what did to your favorite device while it is not under your attention.<br><br>How does it work?<br>1) Open app and click the button. Then close the app and lock your device;<br>2) User unlocked device or tried to do it. The application starts recording a report (photo, list of launched apps);<br>3) Device screen goes out. App saves report. And so on;<br>4) User tries to unlock device several times. App saves report;<br>5) Browse your reports in app. Set up sync with the cloud.<br><br>This app uses the Device Administrator permission. The application needs device administrator rights to look out for incorrect unlock attempts. Android only detects a password or pattern as incorrect if it has at least 4 digits/characters or pattern dots.<br><br>Device Administrator needs to be deactivated before app uninstall.<br><br>For any questions: <br>[email protected]
Notes - Notebook, Notepad
Notes - Notebook, Notepad
<b>Notes - Notebook, Notepad</b> is a powerful and versatile note-taking app that helps you stay organized and productive. With a wide range of features and customization options, Notes is the perfect tool for students, professionals, and anyone else who needs to keep track of their thoughts and ideas.<br><br>Try creating a new note, check list.<br>You can create a new note/check list by tapping + in the bottom right corner of the main screen.<br><br>🔒Protect your notes and check list.<br>1. Click on the Note or check list you want to protect, then click on the lock icon in the upper right corner of the screen or click on more option and select the lock icon.<br>Then create your password and answer the security question.<br>2. Lock the notes and check lists you want to protect by touching the lock icon.<br><br>⭐Key features:<br>- 📝Create notes and checklists anywhere. <br>-📱Sticky Notes widget, View your note from Home screen<br>- 🔄 Sync your notes: Notes supports sync with Google Drive, so you can access your notes on any device.<br>- 🔒Keep your notes safe: Notes lets you protect your notes with a password.<br>- 🎨Notes Notebook, Notepad Customize your notes with different themes and backgrounds<br>- 🔔Set reminders: Notes lets you set reminders for your notes and to-do lists, so you never miss a deadline. <br>- ☁️Back up your notes: Notes lets you back up your notes to Google Drive so you never have to worry about losing them.<br>- 🗑Recover deleted notes: Notes lets you recover deleted notes from the trash bin. <br>- 📌Create shortcuts: Notes lets you create shortcuts to your notes on your home screen. <br>- 🌈Share your notes: Notes makes it easy to share your notes with others.<br><br>✨Benefits:<br>- Stay organized: Notes helps you keep track of your thoughts and ideas in one place. With smart search features, you can easily find the information you need when you need it.<br>- Be productive: Notes can help you be more productive by making it easy to capture and organize your ideas. With its variety of features, you can customize Notes to fit your specific needs.<br>- Be creative: Notes lets you express your creativity in any way you want. <br><br>Notes is the perfect note-taking app for anyone who wants a powerful and versatile tool that can help them stay organized, productive, and creative. With its wide range of features and customization options, Notes is the perfect choice for students, professionals, and anyone else who needs to keep track of their thoughts and ideas.
Change DNS Pro (No Root 3G, 4G
Change DNS Pro (No Root 3G, 4G
- Change Domain Name Server(DNS) settings easily.<br>- Unblock the restricted web content.<br>- Browse faster on the net after changing to proper DNS server.<br>- Simple UI and easy to use.<br>- Auto change DNS when device boot completed.<br>- Auto change DNS when mobile data on.<br><br>Free version:<br>Change DNS is the most powerful DNS Changer tool. It doesn&#39;t require root and works on both Wi-Fi and Mobile Data connection.<br>You can easily change your DNS to expected DNS by just one click.<br><br><br>[ Why this app make a VPN connection ? ]<br>To change DNS without needing root permissions, this app create a local VPN connection (No data leaves your phone using this VPN connection) to apply your configured DNS servers on both Wi-Fi and Mobile Data. You can check it by reading packet logs, or you can check simply, in System VPN dialog, there isn&#39;t sent/received data info as a real VPN connection. Please check and discuss deeply with developer ([email protected]) before low review due to unclear investigation.
ringID - Live & Social Network
ringID - Live & Social Network
ringID is your go-to-app for all the features you love in one place! <br><br>Download ringID now for experiencing a platform that makes socializing complete with music &amp; media management and an exciting platform to broadcast yourself to the worldwide audience using Live.<br><br>Show your hidden talent by broadcasting LIVE to millions of viewers worldwide. Don’t just limit yourself to calling, chatting, and browsing through an irrelevant newsfeed clattered with ads… use less data &amp; battery on calls and customize the newsfeed to create your own personalized newsfeed. <br><br>“App that packs a powerful punch into a small mobile package”- Forbes.<br><br>Exclusive Features<br><br>Live: <br><br>ringID Live is your platform to broadcast yourself to the world. Host a live video for others to enjoy &amp; call a viewer to co-host your live broadcast. A great new feature to broadcast live from anywhere &amp; at any time using your mobile phone. Show off your personality &amp; share your story by broadcasting your hobbies, your skills and exciting events. Meet new people by chatting and direct video calling and gain followers. Earn redeemable gifts from your viewers and claim exciting rewards.<br><br>Channel: <br><br>Channel brings all your favorite video content right on your mobile. Follow your favorite movies, music, and other interests. Find popular channels by categories or maintain your very own channel. Create your own channel and stream content for others to enjoy. Broadcast your content and gain followers anywhere &amp; everywhere.<br><br><br>Voice &amp; Video Call: <br><br>Enjoy free calls with flawless voice quality and smooth video resolution on 3G, Wi-Fi or even 2G connections. Feel the warmth of a real conversation in the virtual world! <br><br>Secret Chat: <br><br>Don’t just send pictures that disappear, set the timer to self-destruct any message including text, image, audio and video. It’s an exciting way to share instant messages that disappear from the chat history, automatically!<br><br>Features<br>- Voice Calls: Got it!<br>- Video Calls: Yup!<br>- Chat: Of course! We even have Secret Chat. <br>- Stickers: Got tons of them!<br>- Newsfeed: Yes!<br>- Multimedia Sharing: Oh Yes!<br><br>Media Cloud: <br><br>Can’t find the music/video that you saw on your newsfeed from a week ago? Now you can add music &amp; video from the newsfeed to your own playlist and you can even download them to be viewed when offline. A truly effective media management system for all your social media<br><br>Message Retrieval: <br><br>Avoid that embarrassing “oops moment” by deleting your sent message at any time! Make sure the message that was not meant to be seen, is erased forever. <br><br>NewsPortal: <br><br>Select your preferred news providers to bring all your preferred daily news in one convenient place. Discover news providers from across the World Wide Web and choose your favorites to get all your trusted news on a separate feed.<br><br>You will love to discover all the exciting new features that are introduced &amp; the many benefits through your ringID experience. ringID brings all the popular features bundled into one power packed &amp; easy to use app!<br><br>Get to know more by visiting our website:
Manager's App
Manager's App
With this application, you can manage your systems and see many different statistical reports.<br><br><br>We hope you enjoy using this app.<br><br><br>Please send us your feedback and we will review them all.
Cute Wallpapers - Kawaii
Cute Wallpapers - Kawaii
Tired of the mundane backgrounds, my friend? Ready to transcend the ordinary and plunge headfirst into a cute kaleidoscope of digital wonders? Behold, Cute Wallpapers Kawaii App – where pixels combine, and your phone screen becomes a display for the extraordinary. 🎨<br>Picture this: kawaii designs that tiptoe on the edge of reality, their pastel hues whispering secrets to your soul. Each adorable wallpaper a tiny universe, a cosmic giggle in the face of monotony. 🌈. Lots of kawaii and anime wallpapers await!<br><br>💜 App Features:<br>1. 🎨 Immerse yourself in over 1000 kawaii wallpapers, meticulously curated for your discerning eye. From fluffy kittens to delectable desserts, each image is a portal to joy. 🌈 Our wallpapers defy the ordinary. They’re not just high quality; they’re full HD enchantment. What you see is what you get – and what you’ll get is pure visual bliss. Whether you’re a fan of cute animals, a foodie at heart, or simply seeking a slice of aesthetic heaven, our wallpapers adapt seamlessly to your high-resolution screen. No compromises, only brilliance. <br>2. Explore a wide range of adorable themes and categories. From pink pastels to mythical unicorns, our wallpapers are a visual delight. Whether you’re girly, minimalist, or a cosmic dreamer, our app has a wallpaper for you. Download now and let your screen sing with personality! 🌟<br>3. Custom color categories. Paint your favorite wallpapers into pink, red, blue or any other color (or gradient) of your choice. We support background recoloring for hundreds of simple images and seamless patterns. And it&#39;s not only basic colors like green or yellow but also thousands of their shades (like pastel palette) too!<br>4. Patterns, the seamless and charming beauty that wraps your screen like a tailored suit. Minimalist elegance, bold geometrics – choose your style. Your digital life deserves nothing less. 📱<br>5. You saw some beautiful piece of art and wanted to save it to the phone gallery? Not a problem, since we provide you free wallpapers, just click &quot;save&quot; button, and image will be saved to the gallery. Or click &quot;Like&quot; button and then you will find that charming wallpaper in the special &quot;Favorites&quot; folder.<br>6. Support for modern phones. We checked stability of work on plenty of brands, so you may not worry about lags and bugs. We even managed to run it on some custom firmwares such as Samsung galaxy and note phones, Xiaomi or Huawei without any problems! <br>But in some cases you can&#39;t install lockscreen from our app. It&#39;s because some phones block that function. To install your cute lockscreen please save image to phone memory, open it via gallery or file app and then look for &quot;set as..&quot; button. It should work.<br>7. You can share image in any supported app or messenger. So, if you want to use these cute wallpapers for Whatsapp, for Instagram or for Tiktok, or even maybe for Telegram - just click &quot;share&quot; and then choose your app.<br>8. 🎨 Stuck in the “what-should-I-draw” loop? Fear not, our app has your back! Behold the “eye” button – your portal to creativity. Click it, and voilà! The UI vanishes, leaving only the raw picture. Sketch that background art, my friend.<br>9. Most of our categories support offline mode, so you don&#39;t have to be connected to the internet or wifi all the time. However, for those who want to have access to the latest wallpapers we have online categories where you&#39;ll need internet connection. Feel free to check them out!<br><br>So, my friend, don’t settle for mediocrity. Download our wallpaper app now, and let your screen sing with the symphony of a thousand beautiful sunsets. 🌟📲<br><br>Cute Wallpapers 💜 Kawaii - is an app made by KawaiiSparkle